• Largest cost drivers of AWS (and how to solve them)

    Cloud usage is growing at a fast pace nowadays. Approximately 80% of organisations are using cloud services or are planning to use Cloud. Moving to the cloud can be an interesting business case. However, most companies using the cloud are unconsciously pouring assets down the drain. Here we highlight the most common cost drivers of…

  • Centralised Secrets Management with HashiCorp Vault on AWS 

    This whitepaper provides an overview of HashiCorp Vault and the best practices when using Vault to implement a centralised secrets management system on Amazon Web Services. It is intended for Solution Architects and DevOps Engineers who are responsible for building complex infrastructures.

  • ‘Mind The Gap’ A Security and Compliance Journey with AWS

    The main motivation for writing this whitepaper was to demystify security and compliance to interested newcomers and provide foundational knowledge of common terminology and techniques used within this field. It takes the reader from theory to practice using a simplistic fictional case study and attempts to answer many of the common Amazon Web Services (AWS)…